Messages History can be conveniently accessed from Group Messages and your Private Messages Inbox. It provides a concise overview of all sent group messages, including statistics, and enables you to retract any group messages as needed.
You can review from Messages History the following
- Message Subject
- Send To, This column indicates to which user group your message has been sent.
- Teacher Groups, This column indicates to which teacher groups your message has been sent.
- Seen, This feature displays the number of users who have received your message and indicates which of them have seen the message. By clicking on it, you can filter your outbox messages to view this specific group message and see which of your students or parents have seen the message.
- Duplicate, You can duplicate a sent private message using this feature, but please note that any attachments sent with the original message will need to be re-uploaded as duplicates won't automatically attach them.
- Retract, You will be able to delete your sent group messages from all users' inboxes with this feature.